We’re proud to announce that we have been accredited by the Adventure Activities License Authority from the 20th July 2022. This is for the climbing category, allowing us to provide abseiling and rock climbing to our customers.
The licence recognises our ability to deliver exciting and stimulating activities within this category safely, specifically in relation to under 18’s.
This licence is a mark of our commitment to safety and will make paperwork and risk assessments easier for the many schools and organisations who join us for adventurous activities each year.
Mount Cook will offer abseiling and rock climbing, on the local rock faces which have been exposed from our area’s quarrying history. These activities will be available for groups to visit us for years to come.
What does it include?
Being awarded the AALA licence means we made a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks involved in the licensable activities, identified control measures to manage these risks, and appointed competent people to advise on safety.
We have also provided competent instructors, sufficient equipment, first aid, and emergency procedures.
We are delighted to have met the required standards and look forward to delivering our approved licensable activities in the near future.