Mount Cook are delighted to confirm that they are providing short term emergency housing for Derbyshire residents. We have collaborated with multiple agencies in order to provide emergency shelter for rough sleepers in our local communities throughout the winter months.
Due to the pandemic, all usual activities at Mount Cook have had to be rescheduled, which has allowed us to house the No Second Night Out programme. YMCA Derbyshire is supporting the programme by acting as landlord and managing tenancy agreements. Rough sleepers will be referred to the programme through Derbyshire borough and Derby City Mission will be providing support staff.
Gillian Sewell, CEO of YMCA Derbyshire says:
“It’s great to be teaming up with like-minded organisations including Derby City Mission, Derby Borough Councils, P3 charity, housing options teams, drug and alcohol services and Pathways of Chesterfield to provide warmth, food and safety to those who find themselves without a place to live." - “We’ve had a brilliant relationship with Mount Cook Adventure Centre for several years now and our young people have really benefited from their activities. We are so grateful that they are contributing towards homelessness provision in our county.”
Mount Cook has made a range of changes to the Centre and to operating procedures in order to comply with current COVID-19 guidelines. We will actively follow the Government’s strict social distancing and self-isolation rules to ensure the safety of all that stay during this time. To view our COVID-10 operating procedures, click here.
Mount Cook CEO Steve Turner says:
"We are delighted to support this initiative, due to the Covid -19 restrictions we have effectively been closed since March 2020 and it is great that our fantastic centre can be put to positive use to help some of the most vulnerable in our society. It is really heartening to have the support of the Derbyshire councils to allow this partnership between YMCA Derbyshire, Mount Cook Adventure Centre and Derby City Mission to provide food and accommodation at a potentially very difficult time of year for those less fortunate."
For any enquiries and donations relating to the programme, please direct your enquiries to the Derby City Mission. You can contact them by calling Mount Cook on 01629 823 702 and selecting option 1 for 'Emergency Homeless Housing Provision', or you can contact them directly on 07823 536 366.