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5 ways to make your school residential more affordable

Writer's picture: Mount Cook Mount Cook

Updated: Jun 4, 2019

By Toria Cox

According to research by Learning Away, only one in five children are experiencing a residential every year. What’s more concerning is children and young people from the poorest areas are the least likely to participate.

As school funding is squeezed, the cost of residential experiences can become a barrier for many students. By developing low-cost models, residential experiences can be provided on a more frequent basis and a greater number of pupils can participate.

Here are 5 ways to make your school residential more affordable…

  1. Go to a local provider – Coach hire for school trips can incur a major cost! By booking with a local provider, you can reduce the travel time and hopefully reduce the cost of transportation to and from your school. The use of local providers can also help to support local amenities, as children are more likely to return to the residential venue with their families during weekends and school holidays.

  2. Recruit the help of volunteers – Why not request the help of volunteers to provide transportation, a supply of coats and wellies, or as an extra pair of eyes on the residential itself? The recruitment of volunteers can increase your school’s engagement with the local community and help to involve parents and carers with the planning and organisation of the residential.

  3. Appeal to large companies – Many businesses have Corporate Social Responsibility goals to achieve each year, and some companies are keen to illustrate a strong engagement with the local community. Use this to your advantage! Why not appeal to an outdoor clothing company for waterproof jackets? Or, state the benefits and aims of your residential and request donations from large businesses. It’s great PR for them and you may get the assistance you need to run the trip!

  4. Fundraising – Put your pupils at the heart of fundraising efforts. Give them the opportunity to organise their own fundraising events, such as sponsored runs and cake sales. A great example of this is Morley Primary in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, who host regular events including a School Disco, a Spooky Halloween Party, Barn Dances and their Annual Village show to raise money to fund equipment and trips for their pupils. Through the organisation of these events, the Morley School Parent Teacher Associate (PTA) raised £3,700 last year!

  5. Book a winter residential – The majority of schools organise their residential trip towards the end of the summer term, when prices are at their highest. Winter residentials can be more affordable for schools, giving you a greater return on investment! From December – February, we offer a Two Night Winter Residential Special Offer, which includes a range of exciting outdoor activities which can be linked to your learning objectives, overnight en-suite accommodation, full board catering and evening entertainment.

Information source: Learning Away

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